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For the last number of years, I have been working on an Open Source Project Management system called NearBeach.

What is NearBeach?

An open source project management system, with a different way of thinking.


Gather your user requirements (user stories), and categorise them. The requirement functionality has two levels, the parent requirement, followed by the child requirement items. Use the requirement functionality to write down a simple helicopter view of customer’s requirements. Use the requirement items as a more detailed and grounded view of their requirements.

The requirement items can then be linked to projects and tasks.

Kanban Board

Create a kanban board to help you deliver your own projects. The kanban board system is easy to construct, and contains both columns and levels. As your project grows you might need to customise the layout of your board – which can easily be done in NearBeach.

Projects and Tasks

Like any good project management system, NearBeach contains the ability for the user to create projects and tasks.

The projects are used to manage many tasks.

Tasks are singular items – designed to be one specific – task.

Request For Change

When you are ready to deploy your project, you will need the Request for Change module. A simple functionality that can track what needs to be done when.

What is it built with?

Currently I am building NearBeach with Django for the backend, and VueJS for the frontend.